A Brief History of the Mattapoisett Seahorse

“Salty” the Seahorse, standing 38-feet tall at the intersection of Route 6 and North St., is more than just a spectacle for out-of-towners. For many townies, the Seahorse with bright blue scintillating eyes (that are solar powered) is considered the symbol of Mattapoisett.

The Seahorse stands at the edge of the main Mattapoisett intersection, and behind it is a children’s playground, a gazebo, flower gardens and small networks and trails (built by local Boy Scouts) and streams that are owned and maintained by the Mattapoisett Land Trust.

However, before the Mattapoisett Land Trust was bequeathed the three-and-a-half acre property in 1988, it belonged to the Dunseith family.

During the mid-century, Henry Dunseith and his family lived in a house on the property, along with his gift shop. The house had been moved to accommodate the construction of the U.S. government installed road from Main Street to North Street in the 1930s.

To attract tourists traveling through the area (before Interstate 195 existed), Dunseith constructed the Seahorse.

“It was built in the mid-1950s to attract people, and it became a landmark for people coming to the Cape. People tell me, as little children, while they were sleeping in back of the car, when they’d wake up and see the Seahorse, they knew they were almost [in Cape Cod],” said Seth Mendell of the Mattapoisett Historical Society.

“There were lines of traffic all summer long,” he recalled, and the Dunseith Sea Horse Gift Shop was just one among many shops seeking business from the traveling pack of tourists.

The construction of I-195 spelled the end for many gift shops along Route 6 – including the Dunseith shop.

Mendell said in 1988 when the Mattapoisett Land Trust received the property from the Dunseith family after the death of Henry – who did not want a large commercial enterprise to take up that space – the fate of the Seahorse and existing structures was in the air.

At first, the Land Trust wanted to find someone to use the house. “They wanted to see if we [the Mattapoisett Historical Society] wanted to use the house, but we were so well established on Church Street,” Mendell said.

“The Land Trust, they tried to find someone who would be interested in moving into the building, but it really wasn’t in good enough shape,” explained Mattapoisett Land Trust President Gary Johnson. “We didn’t have the resources [to restore it], so we ended up tearing it down.”

While the house and old gift shop were razed down, a debate ensued in the late 1990s about the Seahorse, which required significant restoration.

“One thing of controversy was when we decided what we’d do with the Seahorse,” said Johnson. “When there was discussion taking it down, a lot of folks said we have to keep it.”

Johnson said eventually the funds were put together to restore the horse; it was taken down and then restored and dedicated in the year 2000. Johnson said 12 years later, there is a need to repair the solar eye – but funds are in place to make that happen although such work is “a little complicated.”

In addition to a park, in August 2009 the trust unveiled a small playground for 2 to 5 year olds.

“We get a lot of people going in there, there is a path that goes back. Little kids like to climb in the playground,” said Johnson. He said the playground was installed at the request of parents looking for places to take their children when the school playgrounds are closed. “It seems pretty successful. A lot of kids love to ring the bell.”

All in all, Johnson thinks saving the Seahorse was the right thing to do as it holds so much meaning for Mattapoisett residents.

“Even today when you walk around town, stores have postcards of the Seahorse. It is still a pretty important symbol of the town. We’re glad to keep it,” he said.

By Laura Fedak Pedulli

21 Responses to “A Brief History of the Mattapoisett Seahorse”

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  1. David Tatlock says:

    The Seahorse is an ugly and pretentious piece of stucco that
    is on par with the local bumper sticker…unbelievably still seen out there:
    “Mattapoisett is Special”. Where does the dignity to put the trumpet under
    your ass begin?

    • Brenda Kinney says:

      Dear Mr. David Tatlock: I was one of the children sleeping in the back of the car and would wake up, see the Seahorse and knew i was home. It was and is the symbol of Mattapoisett to me and many others. All i can say, if you don’t like the looks of it, then don’t look at it Mr. Tatlock.

      • cheryl says:

        thank you for the kind words. My name is cheryl and my grandfather was theodore tetreault the maker of the seahorse. I don’t think it’s ugly or pretentious.

      • Michael Riley says:

        I absolutely agree with you. I’m also one of those children that woke up and always looked forward to seeing the see horse. I’m sixty eight years old now, and just a week ago I was in the Cape, and on the way home drove down route 6 specifically to see if the seahorse was still there, and I was so glad to see it was restored! That landmark was always something special to me and my family.

    • Jim Davis says:

      Mr. Tatlock: Re: “Where does the dignity to put the trumpet under your ass begin?” Evidently, it does not begin with you. But I have good news: it’s never too late to learn!

    • V. Fountain says:

      Okay, so as a kid the Mattapoisett bumper sticker was ridiculed by many kids I grew up with in Mattapoisett. It was an awful sticker, but, the Seahorse is warm and welcoming and a great landmark for Mattapoisett. The insult shows great negativity. Too bad.

    • K. M. says:

      Obviously you did not grow up in Mattapoisett as many of us did. We love Salty and our town before it was taken over and changed completely by pretentious sushi nibbling, big money morons like YOU who think they have the right to dictate to others how they should live. You’re probably from NY or CT??! Close your eyes when you drive by it…maybe you’ll hit a pole.

    • Michael Riley says:

      I’m so glad there aren’t very many people that see these special, meaninful landmarks the way you see them.
      I thank the land trust for having the sense to save this piece of history for the memories of most people that appreciate it!

  2. Tim Verville says:

    I for one,am proud, that we have the seahorse as a symbol of our town. To some it may be an eyesore,to others it is a visual representation of herritage and history. Those who shun such iconic images and landmarks such as this, disavow the future and its marks that may be made. I firmly believe it has helped distiguish our seacoast town from the rest of th local seacoast towns and helps it feel special. I have grown up in this town and have always enjoyed seeing that landmark as i passed by as a child on my ten-speed. and now as an adult driving by. The nostalga of it helps keep the memories alive.

    If you take a drive throughout Mattapoisett , you will see homes that sport some vestige of the seahorse either through name or decoration. Is there really anthing wrong with associating with something that has withstood the test of time and weather? Should we not be proud that someone had left their land and possesions to the residents of the town to enjoy? If we all took a note out of Mr. Dunseith playbook of generosity. I believe the world would not have such a negative view torwards things people identify with.

  3. David Tatlock, you are very rude. I can’t imagine even knowing you as a person never mind a friend.

  4. Vicki C. says:

    In the 1950’s Mr. Dunseith had his home, and a gift shop taking the corner of North St. and Rt.6. He had quite the fantastical play area for kids across the parking lot. I grew up on North St. just a few houses up, and we would cut through the woods to play there. My dad, Donat Couet, was a welder, and a member of the Lions Club in town as was Mr. Dunseth. They got together, and my dad did the welding and fabrication to erect the Seahorse that continues to stand today. I am proud of my families’ part in the history of Mattapoisett. It’s always good to know where you come from. You, Mr,Tatlock didn’t grow up in Mattapoisett otherwise you’d “get it”.

  5. Please paint the Sea horse a brighter color, it looks to faded, i love it though !!!!!! Thanks Beth (Brown) Russell ~2017

  6. Nash says:

    Does anyone remember the petition to save the seahorse that was posted at most business in town when word got out that it was to be removed .

    • Kenneth Sienkiewicz says:

      Yes I do my wife Deborah Nash Siegel At the time Later Deborah Nash Sienkiewicz Initiated that petition I however can not find it. Some of the pages vanished from places frequented by Land Trust members who thought it was tacky. Now everyone including them use it in their advertisements. Long live the Sea Horse.

  7. Dianne says:

    I love that seahorse because driving (quite frequently) from New Bedford to enjoy the best Chinese restaurant ever, (The Cathay Temple) I knew deliciousness was right around the corner!

  8. JF and Edie King says:

    Our family loves the seahorse. And Mattapoisett is special! We vacationed here for many years when our kids were young. Great memories.

  9. K Sienk says:

    Deborah Nash Siegel later Deborah Nash Sienkiewicz initiated the petition to save the Sea Horse She placed petitions at all business in town. Some of which disappeared from businesses that catered to Land Trust members they wanted to remove it as they thought it was tacky. I lost the original petition through the years., but I remember it contained hundreds of signatures enough to save it. The petition saved the Sea Horse soon to be named Salty. Almost all business and organizations including the Land Trust use him in their ads.

  10. Shirley Graham says:

    Shame on you David Tatlock

  11. Michael Riley says:

    I always looked forward to driving by the seahorse. Route 6 was our route to get to my Grandfather’s house and down the road to Converse street in Marion.
    I was born in nineteen Fifty five, so the seahorse and I are about the same age. Mattapoisett wouldn’t be the same without it. It meant a lot to our family!
    I am so glad the land trust had the sense to preserve it.Thank you!

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