2014 Scouting For Food a great success! The Marion Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts of Troop 32 would like to thank the residents of Marion for their generous contributions to the recent Scouting for Food. Close to 200 bags of non-perishable goods were collected. The Scouts would also like to thank their partners in this effort, the Marion Police Brotherhood, for all their support and assistance.
The donated food was delivered to MO Life, or “Murphy and Others, Living Interdependently for Future Endeavors, Inc.” a non-profit organization assisting people with disabilities. MO Life provides support for these
individuals through supported employment, independent living and educational
opportunities, as well as community and social connections. The M.O. FOOD = L.I.F.E. Food Pantry, located at 723 Pleasant Street in New Bedford, supports the growing population of hungry people in Greater New Bedford, and allows the people they support, to give back to the community by maintaining the pantry and distributing food. Pictured here with the donated food are Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts of Marion Troop 32.