World of Dolls

Please join us at the Mattapoisett Free Public Library on Tuesday, August 6 from 12:00 noon to 1:00 pm for a fun-filled walk down memory lane with a presentation called World of Dolls. Janice McIntyre will give a presentation on the history of dolls from over six decades (from the mid-1800’s to the 1960’s), discussing the way dolls were made and how that process changed over time. Enjoy antique bisque dolls from Europe, Shirley Temple dolls, Ginny dolls, Tiny Tears dolls, Madame Alexander dolls and many more on display. You are sure to see your favorite childhood doll. Feel free to bring your special doll to share with everyone at the end of the presentation. Janice has 20 years of doll repair/restoration experience. She has collected dolls for as many years and loves to share them and their history. There will also be a raffle for some free dolls. The program is free and open to all.

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