Many parents wonder about their children’s speech and language development and whether they are on target with other children their age. Sometimes questions and concerns arise about what’s “normal” for their age. The Mattapoisett Library is offering parents, grandparents and child care providers an opportunity to learn more about this important topic on Wednesday, January 25 from 6:30 to 7:30 pm with professionals from Buzzards Bay Speech Therapy.
Lisa Yauch-Cadden (MS CCC-SLP) and Christine Botelho (BA SLP-A) will review typical developmental milestones for children ages 0-5 years and will provide tips and techniques to promote health speech and language development for children of any age. Everyone is welcome to this free program.
Early language development begins from day one of a child’s infancy. The enjoyable aspects of these early moments of communication are integral to so many aspects of child development.
Attendees are encouraged to bring questions and concerns to the program. Free child care is available at the library. Please register to attend by January 24 and indicate if child care is needed.
The library is located at 7 Barstow Street and is handicapped accessible.