On Memorial Day from 9 until noon, stop by the Marion Music Hall to check our pop-up exhibit about the Veterans of Foreign War Chapter of Marion. Active from 1932 though 2017, the Benjamin Cushing Post 2425 brought camaraderie and community service opportunities for those who returned from armed service.
“It’s amazing to see the many ways that the VFW members contributed to the Town throughout the decades,” said Sippican Historical Society Archivist, Leslie Thayer Piper, who organized the exhibit.
The archives of the VFW were donated to the Sippican Historical Society and their building donated to the Town of Marion, which continues as the Cushing Community Center.
Learn about Benjamin Cushing, the social scene and charity work organized by the members throughout the years. The exhibit is open, before, during and after the Memorial Day parade. You can also explore portions of the VFW collection at www.sippicanhistoricalsociety.org.