Upcoming Events at the Elizabeth Taber Library

Marion Secret Vegetable Garden Tour September 29 from 12 to 3 – Purchase Tickets at the Library – The Friends of the Elizabeth Taber Library and Community Veg Marion present a self-guided tour of the hidden vegetable gardens of Marion. Purchase tickets for $25 at the Elizabeth Taber Library, all proceeds benefit the library.

            Let Freedom Read Library celebration – Tuesday October 3 from 6 to 7 pm – Grab a book, bring a chair and head to the library for Let Freedom Read, a statewide read-in to celebrate the freedom to read. What is a read-in? A read-in is a chance to show support for your library by simply showing up to the library to read. It’s as easy as that. Join us for a special story time, snacks, book giveaways, and more. Celebrate the freedom to read at the library.

            Banned Books: State of the Union. A Banned Book Week special presentation – Thursday October 5 at 6 pm – Are you curious about the rise of book bans and book challenges across the country? Join us for a special presentation to discuss the most targeted books and the impact of book challenges on libraries and readers.

            Homeschool Meet up – Thursday October 5 at 1 pm – Meet other homeschoolers and learn about the resources the library has to offer.

            For more information on the Elizabeth Taber Library visit us at www.ElizabethTaberLibrary.org or call us at 508-748-1252.

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