The Winds of Climate Change

“ The winds of climate change: are we sailing off the chart?”

Marion resident Jennifer A. Francis, PhD., Professor of Atmospheric Sciences at Rutgers University, will speak to us about the realities of climate change, the causes, short-term and long-time effects, and what we can do about it.  Her research specifically focuses on the Arctic, which is changing faster than anywhere else on the planet, and may be affecting weather patterns across the northern hemisphere.

On September 21, 2012, Dr. Francis’s Guest Op-ed piece in Washington Post ,  “Shrinking Arctic ice and the wicked backlash on our weather”, was posted.  In this article she informs  us that the National Snow and Ice Data Center announced that the sea ice covering the Arctic Ocean has smashed previous records.  The impacts of rising temperatures and melting ice extend, beyond the north, to us in the U.S., as we are poised to feel the weather related backlash.

This program will be held at Handy’s Tavern, 152 Front Street, Marion, on October 12th at 12:30 pm.  It will be preceded by a finger-food luncheon, tea/coffee and a sweet.  Guests and new members are always welcome.  For information, go to the club’s website at

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