Teen Advisory Board Pizza Party

The Mattapoisett Library is excited to invite students aged 11 and up to join us for a Teen Advisory Board Pizza Party on Tuesday, November 7 at 6 pm. This event promises not only delicious pizza but also the chance to discover the incredible impact you can have on your community.

            The Teen Advisory Board (TAB) plays a vital role in shaping the library’s programs, services and resources to cater to the needs and interests of young adults. This pizza party is a fantastic opportunity to explore what TAB members do and how you can become a part of this dynamic group.

            The event is not just about food and fun – it’s your moment to get involved, share your ideas and create a positive change within your community. By joining the Teen Advisory Board, you’ll have the opportunity to contribute your voice, participate in exciting library initiatives and make lifelong friends who share your passion for learning and community engagement. No registration is required. If you have any questions, contact Michelle Skaar at mskaar@sailsinc.org or by calling the library.

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