Sippican Woman’s Club

Sippican Woman’s Club announces it first program for our club year to be held on Friday, September 8 at 12:30 pm. Recently-published local author Rachel Rowley Spaulding will take us on her journey to locate the Ellen Marie, a New Bedford wooden commercial fishing boat depicted in a painting the author purchased. Rachel’s search for the vessel exposed her to fishermen, the hardships of the fishing industry, the fishermen’s lives both aboard and those of the loved ones left behind. Her search led her to want to share both her journey of discovery of Ellen Marie and the stories of people she met along the way, including the boat’s one-time Captain. After earning a business degree from Boston University and enjoying a career in finance, Rachel enrolled in a writing course at UMass Dartmouth and put pen to paper to share the story In Search of Ellen Marie. A book signing will follow the program.

Members and guests are invited to join us at our clubhouse “Handy’s Tavern,” 152 Front Street, Marion, at 12:30 pm. Our program is preceded by a luncheon followed by a short business meeting. Guests are welcome, but we do ask that you call first as sometimes our meeting space is limited. Parking is available at the Island Wharf lot by the bandstand located across from the Music Hall. Please do not park by the General Store Parking Lot as it is reserved for customers of the General Store, Kate’s Eats and members of the Congregational Church.

For Sippican Woman’s Club membership information, contact Jeanne Lake at 508-748-0619 or visit our website:

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