Sippican Hotel Lecture By David Pierce

Back by popular demand, David Pierce, vice president of the Sippican Historical Society, will give a PowerPoint lecture on the history of the Sippican Hotel onJuly 26at 7:00 pm at the Marion Music Hall. This elegant, turn-of-the-century hotel and casino catered to visiting clientele who wanted to rest, relax, and enjoy the waterside activities in this beautiful seaside town.

The original section of the hotel was built in 1794 by Timothy Hiller as a farmhouse. Hiller’s grandson, Joe Snow Luce, was the first proprietor to let rooms to visitors. In 1864, an additional story was added, and the property became the Bay View House. By the mid-1880s, the hotel was operated by Charles W. Ripley. He added a three-story center section, as well as a casino across the street for events and social gatherings. The last addition was built in 1901 and the Sippican Hotel could then accommodate 150-200 summer guests.

Come hear about the rich and famous, who delighted in the charms of the Sippican Hotel in Marion. The lecture is free and open to the public.

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