The Santa’s Holiday Food and GiftsToGive Drive will be held at Plumb Corner Mall on Saturday, December 22from 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm.
Join us in sharing some holiday spirit! Let’s “cram a cruiser” with non-perishable food items for local seniors. Or, bring an unwrapped toy or any kids winter clothes for our GiftsToGive Collection. Visit with Santa and Santa Paws (Amos the Greyhound!) Enjoy free hot cocoa, (Matt’s Blackboard), crafts (Countryside Child Care), and games with the Plumb Library Junior Friends. Meet and support Rochester Girl Scouts by purchasing Girl Scout cookies to snack on while listening to holiday tunes by DJ Howie! This a family friendly rain or shine event sponsored by the Plumb Corner Merchants and the Rochester Police Brotherhood, with support from Plumb Library, and DJ Howie.