A mother’s mental and physical strength is so important to celebrate and support. This Mother’s Day, celebrate the strong women in your life with the Run Like a Mother 5K in Mattapoisett at 8:30 am on Sunday, May 12. While celebrating, you’ll also be supporting mothers in their postpartum journey. All registration proceeds will directly benefit mothers who may be struggling with postpartum depression or a lack of a support system in Southcoast Massachusetts, through gift cards and donations to local programs. Registration is $40 and may be made on line at Runlikeamother5k.weebly.com.
Men, women and children of all ages are encouraged to register. This is all about having fun, empowering each other and enjoying Mattapoisett’s beautiful scenery, but there’s also a bit of friendly competition. The top three finishers of each age category will be awarded medals. Don’t forget our special stroller division. We’re Running Like a Mother this May 12.
Run Like a Mother 5K is an organization created by Mattapoisett mother of four, Jennifer Pease who found mental and physical strength through running, especially with her fellow mom friends in Mattapoisett. On their early morning runs (because that’s how you Run Like a Mother), they’d brainstorm how to share this passion with others while supporting new mothers on their postpartum journey – a cause dear to all of their hearts. The hope is that this will become a cherished tradition in Mattapoisett each Mother’s Day while making a real difference in the lives of others.