For over 100 years, we have held a fair. Early years, it was bigger and lasted two days. Now we’re not so big and only one day, but the Fair goes on thanks to all of you, the farmers, the back-yard gardeners and the crafters of ALL ages.
This year’s fair will be held on August 19 free to all from 1:30 pm to 7:00 pm come see the exhibits, grab some baked goods and buy a raffle ticket or two. Our traditional Ham & Bean Supper will be at 6:00 pm. Take-out will be available, but you must call ahead to let us know. Pick-up will be just before supper at 6:00. To reserve a take-out dinner, call this number 508-295-8908 anytime before fair day or by 4:30 pm on the 19th. Tickets for adults $10.00 and children under 10 yrs. $5.00 will be available at the door.
To enter, bring your entries to the Grange Hall on Friday August 18 from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm and again from 7:00 to 8:30 pm. Judging will follow shortly after. Fair books have been placed at many places around town but disappear fast. If you can’t find a book, call (508) 295-8908 or if you have a yellow book from last year, you may use that one as no changes were made this year. The book is a guide. If you have something to enter that isn’t listed in the book, bring it in. We will enter it. Remember, anyone (not just Rochester residents) may enter, and age doesn’t matter as long as you are young or old enough to help grow your entries. That means, if you helped plant the seeds, pulled some weeds or watered the plants, you are eligible. There are some great bakers out there so think about entering your favorite pie or whatever. The same goes for crafts. If you made something you are especially proud of in the past year, bring it in and show it off. It may be the Blue-ribbon winner. You never know. Baked goods are always great sellers on the day. If you are baking and want to make something to donate to the sale, please give Beth a call at (508) 763-8908 and leave a message or you may leave a message at the number previously noted.
We hope to see many great entries from both old friends and new. Come to the Fair. Enter or just visit and help make our Fair a success.