Reception and Introduction to MLT Trails

Please join the Mattapoisett Land Trust and the Mattapoisett Council on Aging on Thursday June 16 at 10:30 am for an introduction to the land trust’s hiking trails for active and interested seniors. The event will take place beginning at the Bowman Road kiosk and parking area off of Aucoot Road, just south of Rt. 6. We will be sharing hiking safety information, offering a casual Q&A with land trust staff and volunteers, sharing trail maps and taking a short walk to point out the three trailheads located at this property. We will also be celebrating Mr. Brad Hathaway’s 90th birthday. Brad is a founding member of the land trust and an avid walker and hiker, inspiring people throughout the country to get active with his “walk around the world,” completed in 2020.

            This is free and open to all who are interested. Refreshments will be served. Please wear long pants and sturdy, closed-toe shoes. In case of weather, the rain date will be Saturday June 18, same time and place. Contact with any questions about the event. We hope to see you there!

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