Protect Yourself from Medicare Fraud

New Medicare cards are coming with new random numbers. Did you know that $60 to $90 billion of our tax dollars are lost to Medicare fraud each year?

On Tuesday, October 16, meet Tom Clarke, a representative of the Massachusetts Senior Medicare Patrol (MA SMP) Program at Mattapoisett Senior Center, 17 Barstow Street, Mattapoisett and participate in a discussion on how to prevent, detect, and report healthcare errors, fraud, and abuse. We all can have an active role in protecting Medicare for ourselves and future generations.

This free information workshop will provide you with the tools to become a more informed and engaged health care consumer including information about the upcoming distribution of new Medicare cards with random numbers rather than Social Security numbers. Lunch will be provided.

For more information and to reserve your seat, please contact the Mattapoisett Senior Center at 508-758-4110 or at

If you cannot attend this workshop but have questions about your healthcare bills, Medicare Summary Notices, or other health insurance explanation of benefits statements, please call the MA SMP Program office at 800-892-0890.

This event is jointly sponsored by the Mattapoisett Council on Aging and the Massachusetts Senior Medicare Patrol Program. The Massachusetts Senior Medicare Patrol Program is funded in part by grant number 90-MP 0226-03-01 from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Administration for Community Living, Washington, DC 20201.

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