Parenting Strategies Workshop

Many thought-provoking ideas will be presented during this four-session parenting program. They will assist parents in managing the many issues encountered during adolescence. The program is designed for parents of children in grades 5-9.

A major focus will be examining effective and ineffective methods of discipline, the different styles of parenting, a method to use in resolving conflicts, and many other useful strategies. Appropriate videos will be presented.

The presenter, James Fitzpatrick LICSW, will share his 40 years of experiences working with parents and children in a child guidance clinic and as a School Social Worker at the elementary and secondary levels.

Meetings will be held at the Old Rochester Regional Junior High School on Thursday evenings, October 20, October 27, November 3 and November 10 from 7:00 – 8:30 pm.

To register, call 508-758-4928 by October 13 and ask to speak with Ms. Julie DeSousa (or email, 7th Grade Guidance Counselor. Enrollment is limited.

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