The ORRHS Class of 1983 will hold its 40th Reunion on Saturday, August 5 from 6:00 pm–11:30 pm at the Reservation Golf Club, 10 Reservation Rd., Mattapoisett.
Tickets are available at $50 per person and will include a buffet dinner, cash bar and D.J. Tickets can be purchased by check or Venmo. Checks should be made out to ORR High School Class of 1983 and mailed to: Anthony Days, 47 Ichabod Lane, Marion, MA 02739 or Venmo to: @Anthony-Days. The deadline to purchase tickets is July 15. We are also looking for donations for a silent auction to be held at the reunion. If any of our classmates own a business, have a hobby or are willing to donate an item, please send a FB message to Kelly Martin Weglowski or email her at Thank you for your help. We are unable to locate the following classmates: Christine Adams, Joao Pedro Arsenio, Diane Cook, Karen (Duarte) Sumner, Betty Johnson, Cheryl Jackson, Richard Lopes, Ann Posiviata, Laurie Simmons and Geoff Weichman. If you have a phone number or address for any of these classmates, please reach out to Anthony Days at