New Bedford Symphony 2021-2022 Season

The New Bedford Symphony Orchestra and Music Director Yaniv Dinur are thrilled to invite you back to the Zeiterion Performing Arts Center for our 2021-2022 in-person concert series! Subscription tickets for the season are now available and past subscribers are asked to renew by August 1 to retain their currents seats.

            NBSO 2021-2022 SEASON: Voyage!

Embark: September 18

Disruption: November 6

Holiday Pops: December 11

Rituals: January 8, 2022

Hollywood Pops: February 19, 2022

Hallucinations: April 16, 2022

Prohibition: May 14, 2022

            All concerts will take place at the Zeiterion Performing Arts Center in downtown New Bedford. Classical performances include pre-concert talks by Music Director Yaniv Dinur at 6:30 pm in the theater.

            Subscriptions are now available. Subscribe to the full season (seven concerts) and receive a discount of 15% off ticket prices, while a discount of 10% is applied when you subscribe to your choice of 3-6 concerts. You can find all concert details and subscribe online through the NBSO website ( or by calling the NBSO at 508-999-6276, ext. 222. Subscription renewals (from 2019-20 or 2020-21 seasons) must be received by August 1 in order to keep your current seats. If you are a new subscriber, subscribe today to get the best possible seats. Individual concert tickets go on sale in August. Details on our 2021-2022 South Coast Chamber Concert Series will be published soon.

            The NBSO is a professional orchestra that annually presents a concert series of classical and pops music with internationally acclaimed guest artists, as well as an outstanding chamber music series. In addition, the NBSO’s innovative and nationally recognized educational programs reach 8,000 students each year. The NBSO is dedicated to building a community of music in the South Coast. Visit today!

One Response to “New Bedford Symphony 2021-2022 Season”

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  1. NancyM. Jordan says:

    Are there any provisions for handicapped people at the Sept 18 pre-concert.?

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