For as long as people have been alive on this earth, mosquitoes have existed. More than just annoying, mosquitoes may be the most dangerous animal in the world (Great white sharks, step aside.)
Several serious diseases are associated with mosquitoes, including malaria, yellow fever, and Zika. Fortunately, many are either rare or absent Massachusetts. However, the incidence of eastern equine encephalitis (EEE) in Plymouth county ranks among the highest in the nation.
Why do mosquitoes bite? Why do they carry these diseases? Is there anything we can do about all of this?
Together, we will review the following:
-mosquito biology
-mosquito pathogens
-protection methods
-habitat management
With the right knowledge and awareness, we can minimize risk and keep safe from mosquitoes.
Come in to the Marion Natural History Museum on September 20at 6:30 pm to learn a little about these animals. Free admission.