Creating a winter habitat will be held on January 22 from 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm. Winter can create some survival difficulties for the animals of our area. In this program we’ll be creating our own winter habitats for a few of our winter residents including Black Bears, Snakes and Beavers. We’ll be covering what these three animals will need in their habitats to survive such as food, water and shelter. We’ll be using materials collected from nature to create our own mini museum displays. Please visit the museum’s website to register for this event:
Trees From the Ground Up – what do trees do for us? Held on February 5 from 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm. Join us as we welcome State Forester James Rassman, who will be speaking about all the benefits a tree provides, from roots and fungi to providing habitat and shelter for animals, to releasing oxygen to our atmosphere. Let’s learn about the many benefits our trees provide us and the world around us. This will be an indoor and possibly outdoor program weather providing. Please dress to go outside.
Wriggly Wonders will be held on March 19 from 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm. Did you know that a red wiggler worm will consume half of its body weight in food scraps every day? Getting worms to work for you is a great way to keep food waste out of the landfills and create nutritious compost for your plants. Come and dig into the science of worms and worm composting with Maggie Payne, soil scientist and proud worm farm owner. We will learn basic worm biology and how to set up a worm bin for composting at home. Wriggle on over and get your hands dirty.
To register for these and other after-school programs please go to the museum’s website: