The Mattapoisett Yacht Club (MYC) kicked off its 2015 Season with its annual “Spring Fling” Party on Saturday, April 11 held at the home of Commodore Bob Warren. The event was well attended and a good time was had by all. The MYC, established in 1901, has provided local sailors with a variety of sailing and social events. This year is no exception. A full schedule of sailboat racing events, cookouts, and cocktail parties is planned. The Tuesday night Ensign one-design class racing begins June 9. The Wednesday night handicap racing series begins June 17 after a warm-up race June 10. On Tuesday and Wednesday nights, many local residents can be found watching the competition from ashore at Ned’s Point. In addition to the Tuesday and Wednesday night racing series, the MYC hosts a number of sailing events. On June 13, the Club will hold its Annual Spring Round the Bay Race. The Round the Bay Race is open to all boats that have a PHRF handicap rating. It has been a well-attended race for the last several years. On June 12 at 6:00 pm, the Club invites all local sailors to attend a cookout at the MYC club house located at the Mattapoisett Boat Yard. Club members will be on hand to answer any questions that guests may have regarding club membership and club activities. It will be a great opportunity to meet area sailors as they gather on the night prior to the Round the Bay Race. The MYC is a staunch supporter of sailing programs for young people. It has supported the William E. Mee Matt Sail program and is very excited about the recently established ORR Sailing Team. The ORR Bulldogs will be invited to race their 420’s in the MYC Tuesday night series. This year, the MYC will host the “Barking Bulldog Regatta” in July. All proceeds of the regatta will benefit the new ORR sailing team. The regatta will be open to several one-design classes including: J-24’s, Ensigns, Shields, and 420’s. Stay tuned for more information on this special event. On Wednesday, July 15 the Club is planning a “Beginner’s Night” where all local sailors are invited to try their boats at an informal jaunt around the buoys. No racing experience is necessary and no handicap rating will be required. Experienced MYC Skippers will be available to come aboard your boat for some first-hand coaching. Again, it intended to be a relaxed, informal introduction to the pleasures of competitive sailing.
The MYC is a non-profit organization. Its membership is open to all interested boaters. For more information on the club and its schedule of events, please visit our website at You can also follow us on Facebook and Twitter.