The March meeting of the Mattapoisett Woman’s Club is Thursday, March 16 at Reynard Hall in the Mattapoisett Congregational Church which is located at 27 Church Street, Mattapoisett. Our members begin gathering after 11:30 am to socialize, followed by a noontime luncheon and speaker. Our guest speaker is Amy Wilmont, Interpreter for the Department of Conservation and Resources (DCR) of Massachusetts. The Department, an agency of the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs, oversees 450,000 acres of parks and forests, beaches, bike trails, watersheds, dams, and parkways. The agency’s mission is to protect, promote, and enhance our common wealth of natural, cultural, and recreational resources. Ms. Wilmot will give an overview of state parks and recreation areas within a 30-minute drive of Mattapoisett and two or three parks farther away. From Cape Cod to the Berkshires, DCR has parks and trails for everyone. Learn about summit roads to DCR’s mountaintops – Mt. Greylock, Mt. Tom, Skinner State Park, Mt. Sugarloaf, and Mt. Wachusett – that offer spectacular scenic vistas, the season schedules, and even senior citizen passes. If you are interested in attending or would like more information, please contact one of our members or Karen Gardner at 774-377-5810.