Mattapoisett Woman’s Club

The Mattapoisett Woman’s Club is meeting on October 17at Reynard Hall of the Mattapoisett Congregational Church (27 Church Street) beginning at 11:00 am. MWC members arrive for a social half-hour, after which there is a short meeting if there is a matter requiring a vote. Around noon, there is a luncheon provided by the monthly tea committee, and guest speakers present after the lunch.

            Ms. Susan Pizzolato of the Mattapoisett Library is this month’s speaker. Her presentation is “Steer Clear of Clickbait or How to Wade Through All the Information That’s Thrown at You on a Daily Basis”.  She will discuss how to make sure that you know what these websites are and understand that all media has a different frame and has different standards for newsworthiness.  The creation of fake news continues to generate a lot of discussion and it’s no surprise that “post-truth” was Oxford English Dictionary’s 2016 Word of the Year.

            Please consider joining MWC.  You are welcome to come to any of our meetings.  If you would like additional information or want to let us know that you are planning to come, please contact Christine Voss at 508-758-3348.

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