Mattapoisett Veterans Day Ceremony

The Florence Eastman Post 280 of the American Legion invites you to please join us in honoring our veterans at our Annual Veterans Day Ceremony on Monday November 11at 11:00 am. The guest speaker this year will be Captain Steven P. Gardnier, a highly decorated and accomplished Navy retiree with over 30 years of commissioned service. The ceremony will take place at the Old Hammondtown School. We will also have the very talented, Old Hammondtown School Band and Chorus as well as the Showstoppers performing! Please come out to honor our veterans for their service and sacrifice. The Marion COA will be having a veteran luncheon on Veterans Day at 12:30 pm, at the Benjamin Cushing Community Center 465 Mill Street, Marion, MA. Veterans and a guest are welcome, Please RSVP to 508-748-3570 by November 8, 2019, if you plan to attend. 

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