Inspiration: Time & Texture at the Mattapoisett Museum – Please join us for the opening of our special exhibition on Thursday, June 27at 5:30 pm at 5 Church Street in Mattapoisett. Inspiration: Time & Texture is an invitational art exhibit featuring works by local artists, inspired by the collections of the Mattapoisett Museum. Each artist was asked to draw inspiration from an object or aspect of the collection and create a site-specific installation imbued with self-expression. The exhibition is an homage to Mattapoisett’s visual culture with reverence for the handmade, as contributors work within their own styles and mediums to express personal, powerful visions of their local connections. Featured artists are Peter Michael Martin, Ryan McFee, Jo Mogilnicki, Tucker Aufranc, John Middleton, Anna Van Voorhis, Kent McCormack, Hoyt Hottel, Anthony Days, Dick Morgado, Katharine Staelin, Peter Mello, and Joy Mello. The Museum will be open in July and August on Fridays & Saturdays from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm; in September on Fridays from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. Questions? Please call 508-758-2844 or email
Field Trip to Cape Cod Museum with Peter Michael Martin – Celebrated local artist Peter Michael Martin will guide visitors through his latest exhibition at the Cape Cod Museum of Art titled Moby Dick: Inspired Visions. Peter Michael Martin’s deep reading of Moby Dick inspired his monumental, modern, playful, and profound works of art created uniquely out of cut paper, Tyvek, and sailcloth. Sponsored by The Mattapoisett Council on Age, The Mattapoisett Free Public Library & The Mattapoisett Museum. Trip will happen on Thursday, June 27beginning at 10:00 am (COA van will depart at 8:30 am). The event includes a Gallery Tour and 3-course lunch at Encore Bistro in Dennis. Museum entry fee is $8 and lunch at Encore Bistro is $25 (choice of beef, cod, or chicken). Participants age 55+ may sign up to travel via the COA van ($10 per person). Sign up by Friday, June 21 at the Mattapoisett Council on Aging at 17 Barstow Street, Mattapoisett or by calling 508-758-4110. Space is limited.