Mattapoisett Free Public Library is hosting a discussion of Regeneration: Ending the Climate Crisis in One Generation by Paul Hawken. Climate change is an important and timely issue across the globe, and communities everywhere are mobilizing citizen action groups and local committees to respond to the crisis. Coastal communities, such as Mattapoisett, are at increased risk for erosion and tidal flooding due to the effects of climate change. Join us for a discussion of Paul Hawken’s latest call to action, Regeneration: Ending the Climate Crisis in One Generation and get the conversation started about how our community can get to “net zero.” We will meet at the library, 7 Barstow St. and via Zoom on Saturday, January 8 at 2 pm to discuss the sections on Food and Industry. Participants will also contribute to the creation of a list of actions for Mattapoisett citizens to take in living a more sustainable lifestyle.
Copies of Hawken’s book are available free to any interested participant thanks to grant funding from the Richard and Ann J. Prouty Foundation, Bank of America, N.A., Co-Trustee. To get a copy, email Jennifer Jones at or click the link located on the grant page, Start Locally – Live Sustainably, on the library’s website. The books are yours to keep after the program, and there are many copies still available.
The Library now has Terracycle boxes to help our community recycle items that cannot go into the trash or are difficult to recycle. We are starting with ink cartridges and power cords/power strips. Bring these items to the library to put into the Terracycle box and when the box is full, Terracycle will send us a label to ship it for recycling. We will get more boxes each month for more types of household items with grant funding to help the community reduce the amount of waste going to the transfer station.
Register on the library’s calendar of events to attend in person or get the Zoom link to participate virtually. Mask wearing is strongly recommended if attending the program in person. Contact Jennifer Jones at if you have any questions about the book or the discussion.