The Mattapoisett Free Public Library is celebrating Climate Preparedness Week from September 24 to the 30. Climate Preparedness Week was established by Communities Responding to Extreme Weather (CREW) in 2018 and seeks to inspire “learning, service and actions to better prepare our communities for extreme weather events and the effects of climate change.”
This year’s theme is The Planet’s Health & Yours: Facing The Invisible Impacts Of Climate Change. To celebrate, the library will be offering a variety of activities and displays. There will be climate change themed crafts at the Media Lab on Tuesday, September 27 and in the children’s room during the week. Climate change themed book displays will be visible throughout the library. Well Read Wednesday will be discussing Under a White Sky by Elizabeth Kolbert on Wednesday, September 28 at 6:30 pm. Those interested in participating can pick up the book at the library prior to the event. The library also has “The Climate Ribbon,” a participatory art ritual of love and hope for the Climate Justice Movement project available the entire month of September near the side entrance.
For more information about these events, send an email to Check the library’s events calendar for more upcoming programs and book discussions.