On Wednesday, April 16 at 6:00 pm, the Mattapoisett Democratic Town Committee will convene in the downstairs public meeting room of the Mattapoisett Free Public Library to hold its local caucus to elect five (5) Delegates and four (4) Alternates to represent Mattapoisett at the Massachusetts State Democratic Convention to be held Saturday September 13, 2025 at the Mass Mutual Center in Springfield, MA.
Registered and pre-registered Democrats in the Town of Mattapoisett may be elected as delegates or alternates during the caucus. Pre-registered Democrats must be 16 years old by the start of the caucus window (March 29, 2025) and must be pre-registered by the time of the caucus.
Those interested in getting involved with the Mattapoisett Democratic Town Committee or for more information pertaining to the caucuses, please email Chairperson Nicki Demakis at ndemakis@tidlaw.com.