In 2012, the Federal Nuclear Regulatory Commission extended the operating license for the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Plant in nearby Plymouth, one of the oldest nuclear plants in the nation, for another 20 years. Pilgrim is the same design as the Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan that experienced a storm-related shut down in March 2011. This extension means that the Pilgrim plant will operate for a total of 30 years beyond its engineered projected useful life.
Unplanned shutdowns of the plant in 2013 and 2015 have reinforced concerns in Massachusetts. To fully understand the ramifications of the Federal Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s decision, the Mattapoisett Democratic Town Committee is sponsoring an informational meeting at the Mattapoisett Free Library, 7 Barstow St, on Saturday, May 16 from 10:30 to 11:30 am in the downstairs conference room. The meeting is open to all.
Diane Turco, Co-Founder of Cape Downwinders, will be the main speaker. Her slide show entitled “Pilgrim: A Threat to Us All” will discuss what those dangers are for those of us living in the Southcoast. In addition, information about what our state and federal elected officials are doing to reverse this decision will be shared as well as ways that concerned citizens can become involved with this issue.