Mattapoisett Congregational Church

Among the most special times of the entire church year is Holy Week, which commemorates the last week of Jesus’ earthly life. Holy Week starts on Palm Sunday, April 2 and culminates on Easter Sunday, April 9. With music, Word, story and scripture, we will observe this special time of year. We hope you will join us and invite a friend to join you.

            April 2 – Palm Sunday – 10 am in the Sanctuary. Wave your palm fronds high as we recall Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem.

            April 7 – Good Friday – 6:30 pm Sanctuary open for quiet meditation. 7:00 pm, a Service of Meditation on the Cross

            April 9 – Easter Sunday – 7 am at the Gazebo in Shipyard Park. A Sunrise Service with coffee. Music by Music Director, Michelle Gordon and guest musician, Bob Williamson.

10 am in the Sanctuary. Christ is risen indeed. Traditional family-friendly service. Music by the Matt Congo Choir and guest musicians, Bob Williamson and Kara Lund. 

            Everyone is welcome at Mattapoisett Congregational Church, 27 Church St, Mattapoisett.

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