A Public Hearing for the Mattapoisett Bike Path with the Massachusetts Department of Transportation is scheduled for September 25 at 7:00 pm at Old Hammondtown School. This is an important and a long-awaited milestone for the project. The hearing is an opportunity for people to learn about the project and provide input or show support. A positive hearing will allow the project to move to the next stage of funding commitment and permitting. Plans will be available at Old Hammondtown School one half hour before the presentation.
The proposed project will extend the bike path from Mattapoisett Neck Road to Depot Street parking area and provide a handicapped accessible path along our beautiful coast. When this section is complete, there will be direct bike path access to the village and to a signalized Route 6 crossing. This is a hearing, not a vote. The general public – residents and visitors alike – are encouraged to come to the meeting or write letters to provide input. Letters can be brought to the hearing or mailed no later than October 5. Pre- addressed postcards and letters are available at Town Hall, Council on Aging and the Mattapoisett Free Library, as well as at businesses around town.
More information is available at www.mattapoisettrailtrail.org. Click on “Read our Blog.” The address for the letters is: Patricia A. Leavenworth, P.E., Chief Engineer, MassDOT – Highway Division, 10 Park Plaza, Boston, MA 02116-3973, RE: 25% Design Public Hearing, Mattapoisett – Multi-Use Path Construction (Phase 1B), Mattapoisett, Project File No. 605677, Roadway Project Management.
The Friends of the Bike Path remind everyone that the Bike Path Hearing taking place September 25 at Old Hammondtown School 7:00 pm is being video recorded. People can go to the Town website, www.mattapoisett.net, and view the video. It will also be rebroadcast on the Town’s Cable Network. Public commentary is welcome until October 5. Pre-addressed forms for comment are available at the Town Hall, Library and Council of Aging, as well as Bike Friendly businesses around town.