Join the Marion Natural History Museum on Wednesday afternoons this summer from 1:00 to 4:00 pm; $24/each members, $30/each non-members.
Spend the afternoon with us looking at birds on Bird Island and other locations around Marion’s coastline on July 27: An introduction to our coastal birds with a naturalist from U.S. Fish and Wildlife. A naturalist with MA Fish and Wildlife will be giving us a presentation on shore birds of our area. We will hear first-hand from one of the naturalists how they’ve been helping to improve the nesting habitat for the Roseate Terns of our area. Then we will be taking a trip to Bird Island, courtesy of Marion Harbormaster’s office and lead naturalist, Carolyn Mostello.
Learn a little about our night skies in our portable planetarium on August 3: Summer Star Lab. Explore summer constellations with the Museum’s Star Lab portable planetarium. We will have the opportunity to work with the Star Lab instructor to learn to identify some of the features of our nighttime summer skies. To view all our upcoming programs please go to our website:
The Marion Natural History Museum is open Saturdays through July, 10:00 am to 12:00 pm. Along with an impressive Lego collection and puppet theater, we will have a fun project scheduled for each Saturday. Upcoming activities: July 23 – Make a jellyfish; July 30 – Using shapes to design an animal. Keep checking our website,, for more fun activities and our upcoming summer programs.