All Democrats in Marion are welcome to the Marion Democratic Town Committee (MDTC) Thursday, August 19, to hear Carrie Katan, an organizer for Climate XChange Education and Research in Massachusetts. The meeting will begin at 5:30 pm and go to 6:30 pm at Indian Cove Clubhouse. Katan works with 29 leading environmental organizations and 69 co-sponsors on Beacon Hill in efforts to pass the Green Future Act this session.
The Green Future Act (H.3292) was written to ensure the state achieves its legally binding greenhouse gas emission reduction goals and would provide much needed local funding. In the case of Marion, the act would provide $243,875 for locally controlled environmental projects by 2030.
At this meeting Democrats also will be asked to provide input on key issues to be addressed at the Massachusetts Democratic State Convention on September 25 in Lowell, MA. All Democrats can review the most recent platform from 2017, which will be updated this year. Residents can ask that their priorities be included in the 2021 platform. The 2017 Massachusetts Democratic Party Platform can be found at Our local meetings also will be posted on the Marion Democratic Town Committee Facebook page. You may write if you have questions.
You do not have to register to attend the local MDTC meeting. Light refreshments will be provided. (Follow Indian Cove Road to the dead end. Please carpool due to limited parking.)