•Cantata Performance
On Sunday, December 9, the First Congregational Church in Marion will present Heaven’s Child by Pepper Choplin at Sunday morning services at 9:30 am and 11:30 am. Members of the Harpoon Hamonizers and The Occasion Singers will combine with the Church Choir and soloists Patrice Tiedemann, Paul Soper and Paul Sardinha for the church’s Fifth Annual Christmas Cantata performance. Altogether, 58 singers from Wareham, Fairhaven, Dartmouth, Fall River, New Bedford, Marion, Mattapoisett, Rochester, Westport, Milton, and Boston and a 17-member professional orchestra will perform the work under the direction of Choir Director Cassandra Morgan.
Free tickets for the 9:30 and 11:30 services are available from The Bookstall in Marion and the Marion General Store. For additional information, call Cassandra Morgan at 508-942-6483.
Before becoming Organist and Choir Director of the First Congregational Church, Cassandra Morgan was Director of Choirs in Belmont, Massachusetts for 10 years and in the New Bedford High School for 17 years. She is a recipient of the Lowell Mason Award for Excellence in Music Education and the Distinguished Service Award from the Massachusetts Music Educators Association.
Ms. Morgan said, “Heaven’s Child has been described as a transforming experience, taking us deeply into the mystery and awe of Christmas and into the eternal significance of that perfect union of heaven and earth. We are pleased to be presenting its beauties to our community.”
The First Congregational Church is located at the corner of Front and Main Streets in Marion. The Rev. Dr. Sheila S. Rubdi is pastor. Sunday school, adult and children’s choirs, and nursery care are features of the church’s program of worship, and pastoral care is offered to all.
•Holiday Luncheon
Take a break from the Marion House Tour on Saturday, December 8 and enjoy lunch prepared by the First Congregational Church of Marion. The holiday luncheon includes hot chicken salad, cranberry gelatin salad, assorted breads, coffee or tea and chocolate pudding cake. Lunch will be served from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm on Saturday, December 8 at the First Congregational Church Community Center Hall, 142 Front Street, Marion (behind the General Store parking lot). Cost is $11 per person. Tickets can be purchased at The Bookstall or by calling the church office at 508-748-1053.