The Friends of the Mattapoisett Library will be holding their Second Saturday Monthly Book Sale on March 10 from 10:00 am until 1:00 pm, downstairs at the library, 7 Barstow Street. Stop in to browse our great selection and buy a “Bag of Books” for $15.
The Friends wish to thank the many donors who keep the library supplied with quality book donations. Book sale proceeds enable the Friends to sponsor many of the special programs offered at the library and to make special purchases of books, museum passes, equipment, etc. Book donations are accepted at the library circulation desk during regular library hours.
The Friends of the Library is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit group of volunteers created to support the library. The Friends always seek adult volunteers to help with setup and during the sale, as well as help with various library events through the year. To become a member of the Friends of the Mattapoisett Library, inquire at the book sale or look for our membership forms located at the library circulation desk.