Learn about Warblers: Warbler Workshop

Learn all about warblers at this free event hosted by the Nasketucket Bird Club on Thursday, April 27 at 7:00 pm at the Mattapoisett Free Public Library. Spring is one of the best times to see warblers. This workshop is devoted solely to the hard-to-see, but incredibly beautiful warblers. We will learn about tips and tricks for finding and identifying warblers, as well as learning which birds call this area home and which ones are just here for a short visit. Light refreshments will be served after.

            The meeting, open to the public and handicapped accessible, is held at the Mattapoisett Free Public Library, with access via the south door entrance on Barstow Street in Mattapoisett. Meetings are also available via Zoom. Learn more by going to nbcbirdclub.com.

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