Stop in for a program or find a cool spot to read. We have lots of events going on for children and teens as the summer reading adventure, Read Beyond the Beaten Path, wraps up.
Craft Tuesday crafts include Popsicle stick frogs on August 9 and Friendship bracelets on August 16. Stop by to make one or both of these simple crafts before the summer ends.
The Teen Advisory Board meets at 4 pm on Tuesday, August 9. New members are always welcome. Have a voice in what the library offers to teens.
Teens are also invited to make upcycled wind chimes on Wednesday, August 10, 2 pm using recycled materials like CDs, jewelry and fishing line. No registration is required.
The Friends of the Mattapoisett Library meets at 6 pm on Wednesday, August 10. New members are welcome to join and learn more about the many ways the Friends support the library.
Children and their caregivers are invited to Storytots on Thursday, August 11 at 10:30 am for the last session of the summer season. Storytots will return after a break in the fall.
At 3 pm on Thursday, August 11, the next round of Candy Bar Bingo will be played. Registration is necessary to participate; children ages 8 to 12 can compete to win chocolate.
Outdoor Story Time happens on Friday, August 12 at 10:30 am, weather permitting. Check online on Facebook or our website that morning for any cancellations.
Children ages 5 years and up are invited to join us on the lawn for Puffy Paint Ice Cream Cones on Saturday, August 13 at 11:00 am.
Join the Genealogy Roundtable on Wednesday, August 17 at 6:30 pm to swap tips and tricks with other fellow genealogy enthusiasts. No registration is necessary.
Swing by on Thursday, August 18 at 10:30 am for an end-of-the-summer extravaganza with kid favorite Toe Jam Puppet Band. Bring a blanket and join us on the front lawn for stories, music and more.
End the summer with nature explorations presented by Hands on Nature on Friday, August 19 at 3:00 pm. Join us as we discover what brings the summer night sounds alive. Registration is required.
For more information about these programs, send an email to Jennifer Jones at Registration is necessary for some of these events. Visit for more details.