Don’t miss out on these upcoming adult programs. The Library has two fantastic speakers scheduled this month and there are still available spaces for both programs. Sign up on our Events Calendar on our website or call the Library for assistance.
First up: Alfred Saulniers, local author, will be presenting his new book from Spinner Publications, “The French of New Bedford, the Early Years.” This program will be held at 12:30 pm on Saturday, March 15. The event will be in our Downstair Program Room, which is handicap accessible. Space is limited, so please register on the events calendar at
And at the end of the month: Marty Gitlin will be here to get us ready for Boston Red Sox Opening Day with his “Ultimate Presentation for Red Sox Nation” talk. This program will be at 12:30 pm on Saturday, March 29. Join us for fun facts, trivia, history, and all things baseball with this dynamic presenter and fount of baseball knowledge. This event will be held in our Downstairs Program Room and space is limited. Please register on the events calendar at
For the kids: Our drop-in Storytimes are continuing through the end of March. Check the Library Calendar for dates, times, and guest readers. This information is available on our website or stop by the Library for a paper calendar.
We are pleased to announce Storytime with Grandma Gail. Beginning March 18 and running for 5 weeks, this program is designed for preschool age children (2-5 years) and will consist of stories, songs, finger plays, puppets, crafts, and a snack. Grandma Gail is our very own retired Library Director Gail Roberts, who has many years of story time experience to draw on as a former Children’s Librarian. This program will be at 10:30 am on Tuesdays from March 18 to April 15. Registration is required for this program and space is limited. By signing up, you are committing to all 5 weeks of this program. Call or email the Library with any questions.
Please remember that library cards are required for checkout. If you have lost your card, it can be replaced for a $2.00 charge. Always have your card with you by loading it into the SAILS Mobile app. It’s quick and easy and we’re happy to show you how it works.
Library hours are: Mondays/Thursdays 1:00 pm to 8:00 pm; Tuesdays/Wednesdays 10:00 am to 6:00 pm; Fridays 10:00 am to 5:00 pm; Saturdays 10:00 am to 2:00 pm We are closed on Sundays and Holidays. The Library can be contacted by phone at 508-763-8600 or email at Check our Facebook page for information, upcoming events, and more.