Hello from Plumb Library

Spring has sprung and we’ve got a lot of great things coming up at the Library.

            Join the Writer’s Group at 6:30 pm Thursday, March 20 for writing prompts, sharing, and snacks. This group is open to anyone 18+ and will help you get your creative writing ideas flowing.

            Books and Babble Bookclub will be discussing “The Lobster Chronicles” by Linda Greenlaw at 6:30 pm Thursday, March 27. New members are always welcome. The complete list of titles for 2025 is available at the desk. We hope you’ll join us.

            Marty Gitlin will be presenting “The Ultimate Presentation for Red Sox Nation” at 12:30 pm Saturday, March 29 in celebration of the opening day of baseball season. Marty is a dynamic presenter keeping audiences engaged with history, facts, trivia, video clips, anecdotes, and fun. Registration is required for this program as space is limited. The content of this program is designed for an adult audience, no children please.

            Mark your calendars for 12:30 pm Saturday, April 12, when the New Bedford Whaling Museum will be at the Library. Docents will present “A Day in the Life of the Lagoda and a Whaling Voyage.” This program will bring the history of whaling alive for the audience, providing information about whaling ships and how life aboard would have been during a multi-year voyage. There will also be a harpoon demonstration. Seating is limited and registration is required. This program is designed for adults.

            For the kids: A special 5-week session of Storytime with Grandma Gail still has spaces available. This program will be held at 10:30 am Tuesdays March 18 through April 15. This traditional story time will feature books, finger plays, songs, rhymes, a craft, and a snack. Designed for ages 2-5; registration is required. There are also still a couple of Drop-in Storytimes with guest readers on the schedule for Wednesday, March 26 (Cam Durant), Friday, March 28 (Kelley Medeiros), and Wednesday, April 16 (Chief Assad), all at 10:30 am These are designed for kids ages 3-5.

            Please note that the Library will be closed on Monday April 21 for Patriot’s Day.

            Please remember that library cards are required for checkout. If you have lost your card, it can be replaced for a $2.00 charge. Always have your card with you by loading it into the SAILS Mobile app. It’s quick and easy and we’re happy to show you how it works.

            Library hours are: Mondays/Thursdays 1:00 pm to 8:00 pm; Tuesdays/Wednesdays 10:00 am to 6:00 pm; Fridays 10:00 am to 5:00 pm; Saturdays 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. We are closed on Sundays and Holidays. The Library can be contacted by phone at 508-763-8600 or email at info@plumblibrary.com. Check our Facebook and Instagram pages for information, upcoming events, and more.

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