Ham & Bean Supper

The American Legion, Florence Eastman Post, will hold an Old Fashion Ham & Bean Supper at the Post Hall on January 10 from 5:00 to 6:30 pm. Storm date is February 15. Call 508-758-9311 for reservations, questions and storm information. The supper will feature cole slaw, potato salad, dessert and beverage, as well as our signature baked ham and homemade beans.

We need your support for our Tri-Town Youth and Community Services (e.g. Boys’ & Girls’ State Scholarships, Flag Day Ceremony, Veteran’s Day Observance and Memorial Parade).

Reservations are preferred, but walk-ins are welcome. Cost is $10 per person or $25 for a family (Mom, Dad and small children). We need your support to continue our Community Service and look forward to providing our guests with a great meal and good fellowship!

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