Ghosts, Explaining the Paranormal

The Rev’d Eric E. Fialho, Rector at Saint Gabriel’s Church in Marion, will be leading a six-week comprehensive course exploring how the Church defines, understands and explains the topic of Ghosts. Fr. Fialho is an accomplished instructor and has taught courses on many topics over the years, but he said that this one will probably be his favorite. Fialho had this to say about his upcoming class “Ghosts. Explaining the Paranormal”, This is a topic that interests many people, sometimes for the wrong reasons. There are many books and movies and TV shows on the subject of ghosts, and the public continues to be fascinated by the paranormal. We are all spiritual beings and most of us wonder about what happens to us when we die.”

            Fialho will focus on how the church has looked at this topic and made sense of it. Fialho added, “Without giving too much away, I think people will be very surprised by what they will learn over these six weeks. I am excited to burst bubbles and surprise people.” Through readings from Holy Scripture, Church mothers and fathers, and experts in the ever-evolving fields of parapsychology and exorcism, students will study one of the most misunderstood areas of belief in Christianity. Speaking about the sessions Fialho had this to say, “They will be an hour and a half each and consist of lecture, discussion, and story telling. I wanted to create a space which is both intellectual and folksy. I really wanted to make sure people had the ability to share personal ghost stories if they wanted to. I have also invited an exorcist from the Episcopal Church to guest lecture on one of the evenings.”

            This is a free-of-charge hybrid course, and will take place in-person at 124 Front St. in Marion on Wednesday evenings from 6:45 pm to 8:15 pm from September 25 to October 30. College-level reading assignments will be given for almost all sessions, and this course is open to all people aged 18 and up. Fialho hopes that many people from the area will want to attend, and he has made space accommodations for what will prove to be a very popular course. If you plan on attending in-person or via Zoom, please email Parish Administrator, Jenny Lima at In order to attend the course, students are asked to plan to be present for all sessions. Auditing and dropping in and out will not be allowed for this course.

            Fialho will also be leading an optional “field trip” to Salem in October and bring attendees around on a private tour. Information and signup about the field trip will be provided during the first session.

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