Future of Natural History Museums

The Marion Natural History Museum hosts, “Future of Natural History Museums,” with a focus on small museums like the Marion Natural History Museum.

            Speaker will be Eric Dorfman, author of the book, “The Future of Natural History Museums.” Dorfman is director and CEO of the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences, a member of the Executive Board of the International National Council of Museums (ICOM), and an adjunct faculty member of North Carolina State University in the Department of Marine, Earth, and Atmospheric Sciences. He is an author of several popular books on New Zealand natural history and climate change, as well as scholarly papers on museum education, public programming, Egyptology, and the ecology of wetland birds.

            Dorfman completed a master’s degree through San Jose State University studying the behavioral ecology porpoises in Monterey Bay, California, and a doctorate at the University of Sydney on wetland ecology in eastern and central Australia. Current research includes scale-dependent habitat use of waterbirds in human dominated landscapes.

            This program will be held via Zoom. Please preregister to receive the Zoom link. Register at www.marionmuseum.org and go to community programs. This program is free, but donations to the museum are most welcome.

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