First Congregational Church of Marion

The First Congregational Church of Marion is inviting parents of children ages 6-12 to register their children for Sunday School this year, beginning on September 19. Registration ends September 15.

            This year, the classes will follow the curriculum entitled “Celebrate Wonder”, a program that progresses through units entitled Reconciliation, Awe and Trust with age-appropriate activities. 

            Students and their teachers will attend the Sunday Church service beginning at 10:00 am to be dismissed during the first hymn to attend class with ends approximately 11:15 am. This coincides with refreshments after the service so parents can conveniently pick up their children afterwards. 

            The church is located at 28 Main Street in Marion center and is led by Reverend Richard Woodward. To register or for questions, please contact the church office at 508-748-1053.

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