Every Doll Needs a Mailbox!

If you are wondering what your elementary age student will be doing after school on the early release day scheduled for September 25, problem solved. Library volunteer Jeanne McCullough is offering a free doll craft workshop at the Mattapoisett Free Public Library at 1:00 pm. Participants (grade 2 and up) will be making doll mailboxes and can even make doll mail to send and share. All the supplies will be provided. (If younger children wish to participate, an adult needs to stay to assist them with the project.) The workshop size is limited to 15 participants, so sign up early by stopping in the children’s room or emailing Children’s Librarian Linda Burke at lburke@sailsinc.org. Be sure to include the participant’s name, age, and the name and email or telephone number for the adult contact. The library is located at 7 Barstow Street.

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