ETL Sunset Cruise

The Elizabeth Taber Library is holding its first ever Cape Cod Canal Sunset Cruise, taking off from Marion Town Wharf on Saturday, September 10 at 5:00 pm and returning at 8:00 pm. Tickets are $40 and include cruise, a DJ and light refreshments. There will be a cash bar on board the Capt. John’s Boat cruiser that will fit up to 140 people. Tickets are now available at the Elizabeth Taber Library, 508-748-1252. This is a 21 and over cruise. Proceeds from the event go toward ETL programming, one of the last remaining private libraries in the state with the town providing roughly 70 percent of the library funding and the rest to come from fundraising.

One Response to “ETL Sunset Cruise”

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  1. Celia Frazier says:

    Please reserve two tickets for Frederick & Celia Frazier Thank you.

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