Empty Bowls 2021 at ORRHS

The art department and art students of ORRHS invite the tri-town community to come together on Thursday November 18 from 6-7:30 pm for some delicious soup and a chance to take home a handmade artisan bowl. A $20 donation buys you soup and your choice of a handcrafted ceramic bowl made by the art students of ORR. All proceeds will benefit our tri-town neighbors in need. Empty Bowls uses art to help fight hunger within our own community. Empty Bowls is a worldwide charity where people make ceramic bowls that are used for a simple dinner. Guests pay a small donation to have the dinner, and they keep the ceramic bowl as a thank you for helping to combat hunger.

            Please join us in the ORRHS cafe from 6-7:30 pm on November 18th to come together for this worthy cause. If you have any questions please contact: Kate Butler at katebutler@oldrochester.org or Joanne Mogilnicki at joannemogilnicki@oldrochester.org

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