On Friday, November 8, the public is invited to enjoy another installment of the Sippican Historical Society’s popular program, Classic Film Friday. Co-sponsoring the film series is the Marion Council on Aging. One Friday each month, the organizations present a classic movie and offer a discussion on its historical context or significance. November’s selection is the 1989 film Glory, based on the storming of Fort Wagner in South Carolina. Starring Matthew Broderick, Morgan Freeman, and Denzel Washington, the film won three Academy Awards.
This year marks the 150th anniversary of the Fort Wagner storming, considered to be the defining encounter of the 54th Massachusetts Regiment. The encounter is credited with spurring the recruitment of more than 180,000 African-American volunteers, a draw that proved instrumental to the Union’s ultimate victory.
Classic Film Friday presentations are held at the Marion Music Hall (164 Front St.) and are offered free of charge to the public. Films begin at 7:00 pm, and refreshments are available. For more information, contact the SHS at 508-748-1116.