Since Massachusetts has proclaimed that all citizens should practice social distancing until May 18, the Southeastern MA LWV annual Candidates’ Night has been canceled.
The Selectmen have now tentatively scheduled our Annual Town Meeting for late June with Elections to follow.
There are three contests in Marion. Selectboard incumbent, Norm Hills, is being challenged by Joseph P. Zora Jr. Assessor incumbent, Pat DeCosta, hopes to retain her seat and is also being contested by Joseph Zora. Finally, Planning Board members Eileen Marum, Chris Collings, and Norm Hills all hope to win re-election, with challenges from Edwin “Ted” North and Joseph Zora. These five candidates are competing for three openings on the Planning Board.
In lieu of Candidates’ Night, The Wanderer has agreed to provide news articles about all contested candidates leading up to the election, answering questions drafted by the Area League of Women Voters Candidates’ Night Committee.