The Buzzards Bay Coalition invites its members and supporters to honor three outstanding local environmental leaders with Buzzards Bay Guardian Awards at the Coalition’s Members’ Reception and 31st Annual Meeting on Tuesday, May 21at 5:30 pm at The Back Eddy Restaurant (1 Bridge St., Westport).
The Members’ Reception and Annual Meeting, which is free and open to all, will feature the presentation of the 2019 Buzzards Bay Guardian Awards, the Coalition’s highest honor. Buzzards Bay Guardians demonstrate outstanding service in the cleanup, restoration, or protection of Buzzards Bay as a citizen volunteer, an organization, or a public official or employee.
This year, the Coalition will present three Guardian Awards to Mattapoisett Town Administrator Michael Gagne, Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Wendy Northcross, and a posthumous Guardian Award to Michael Deland of Marion, the former New England Administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
In addition to the presentation of the Guardian Awards, the Coalition will celebrate a year of accomplishments to protect clean water in our community through education, conservation, research, and advocacy. This work has included upgrading septic systems to reduce harmful nitrogen pollution to coastal waters, conserving the region’s most vulnerable natural lands, monitoring the health of local waterways and leading youth and adults on outdoor programs to help more people discover Buzzards Bay.
For more information about the 2019 Guardian Award recipients and the Annual Meeting, visit With questions, contact Director of Membership Donna Cobert at 508-999-6363 x209 or