The Rochester Memorial Day Boat Race (RMDBR) Ham and Bean Supper will be held on Saturday, May 27 at the Rochester Memorial School, 16 Pine Street in Rochester. The supper will be served from 5:00 to 7:00 pm and tickets can be purchased at the door. Adults are $10 and children under 12 are only $5. There will be beans baked by the best bean bakers in town, coleslaw and potato salad prepared by the Culinary Arts Department at Old Colony Vocational Tech HS, rolls and brown bread, and to top it all off, apple crisp for dessert prepared by Meredith of The Artisan Bake Shop.
Proceeds from the supper help offset the expenses of the race. Also, there will be a special raffle drawn at the supper. William Watling III has custom made and donated two carbon fiber river racing paddles designed specifically for the RMDBR. Specs: foam core blade and shaft with carbon fiber and fiberglass laminate; fiberglass wrapped blade tip and edges for strength and durability; molded palm grip handle; approximately 26 ounces each. One has a bent shaft, angle 5 degrees, length 53.5 inches; the other is straight, with a length of 57.25 inches. Tickets are $5 each. There will be two separate drawings, one for each paddle. Choose which drawing you would like your ticket entered in. You do not have to present to win. All proceeds go to the Rochester Firefighters Association to support the race.
This is the 83rd anniversary of the race and it remains one of the few racing events with no entry fees as it was in 1934 when it was started. Enjoy a great meal at one of the important social events of the year in our area. The more the merrier. Parking at the rear of the school, enter at the rear door. For additional information, please contact Arthur Benner, Chairman, RMDBR, 508-763-2024.